Thursday, 10 March 2011


Organisms from Molecules to the Environment

Since 1964, BioScience has presented readers with timely and authoritative overviews of current research in biology, accompanied by essays and discussion sections on education, public policy, history, and the conceptual underpinnings of the biological sciences.
A peer-reviewed, heavily cited, monthly journal with content written and edited for accessibility to researchers, educators, and students alike, BioScience is provided to all AIBS members in print and online as a part of regular AIBS dues.BioScience includes articles about research findings and techniques, advances in biology education, professionally written feature articles about the latest frontiers in biology, discussions of professional issues, book reviews, news about AIBS, a policy column (Washington Watch), and an education column (Eye on Education). Roundtables, forums, and viewpoint articles offer the perspectives of opinion leaders and invite further commentary.
Occasional special sections in BioScience provide an in-depth look at important topics. Recent special sections have addressed ecological boundaries, protected areas, acid rain, science and public policy, the US Long Term Ecological Research network, and agricultural bioterrorism.
Authors who wish to share their expertise with BioScience readers are encouraged to submit articles through ScholarOne manuscripts. The editor-in-chief welcomes presubmission inquiries at

Current Issue and Archives Online

Individual members of AIBS can access the current issue or browse the comprehensive archives, and nonmembers can browse free content and purchase individual articles, here.
We make select sections of BioScience available for open-access viewing, including Washington Watch, our government affairs column; Eye on Education, our education column; book reviews, BioBriefs, calendar of meetings, classifieds, and the BioScience editorial.

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BioScience Press Releases

Read press releases about articles published in BioScience (also posted on Eurekalert).

All BioScience / BioOne content online free in Less-Developed Countries

BioOne (, an AIBS-partnered online aggregation of science journals — including BioScience — participates in the World Health Organization's HINARI (Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative) program. Created in 2002 with over 2,000 journals from the world's leading publishers, HINARI provides free or nearly free access to approximately 70 scientific journals in 481 public institutions in 53 developing countries.

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